Hello! My name is Mabel Pete Garfield. I will tell about the time when I gave birth to my twin girls: Carolyn
and Clara. My mother taught me how to weave rugs with designs of Yei Bei Chei. I perfected my weaving and weaving
became a main source of income for my family-a large family. I have thriteen children. My husband did not have
a steady job and my weaving was the source of money for us. While I was weaving, I was nine months pregnant with 12th
child and I got into labor. At the hospitial, I gave birth to twin girls! I stayed in the hospital for two days
and was released. Since we did not have a vehicle, I had to find someone to take us home. I found my niece and
she gave us a ride home. Before leaving home, I had a feeling to buy some groceries. My twin girls were given
baby blankets, cloth diapers and some baby clothes. When I got home, my five children were without food especially water.
Their dad had gone back up the mountains to sheep camp to take care of the livestock. He took the last of the flour
and used up all the water. The children were left alone! My mother and niece made a meal for us. They also
got some water for us. We had to haul water, we did not have running water. As I was settling down with my
babies, my oldest sister came to visit and wanted to take one of the twins since I already had lots of children! I could
not believe her offer! I said no because twins are not to be separated. Later on, another woman wanted one of
my twins again and the answer was the same-no! I was taught that twins are to be kept together and I tried to do that.
I know that I already had ten children by now, but I just could not give one of my twins away. The twins stayed with
me while I continued to weave rugs even after giving birth recently. I couldn't believe what my husband did, but I guessed
he had to survive also.