When I first signed up for this class, I did not know what to expect and did not know Frances. The fun
part of this course has been Frances; she was excited to teach us. I had not known a person to be so interested before
with carefree expression. I appreciate the respect that I felt in class. I have gained new friends and got more
acquainted with those I knew before.
Being involved with Chautauqua has been an experience and working with students who did not want to work,
but then towards the end, they surprised me. The students that I had were not easy to work with because their stubborness
came out instead of their characters! I encouraged and encouraged and felt frustrated at times, and it made me wonder
what I wasn't doing. At last, one of girls connected with character and I felt the change in her. That was a good feeling.
I felt thankful to have been part of someone's life that I don't know yet. Working with Charolette was wonderful; she
is an awesome teacher. She has helped me also with my students. My classmates were so talented with their characters!
I learned about their lives also and how they paid tribute to them.
The guests we had in class were a plus bringing their lives into our classroom was enriching. Hearing
about statistics about the youth brings hope to our future studetns. Being able to sign language and to have someone
that has taught was educational.