Children's Literature

Genre & Literary Elements for Jeopardy Game
Book List
Literature Reading Reflections
Author Biography/Illustrator
Tibbetts Lesson Plans & Teaching Reflections
Book Sell
Four Corners Storytelling Festival
Midterm Summary & Evaluation
Children's Literature Web Resources
Genre & Literary Elements for Jeopardy Game
Final Summary & Evaluation
Extra Credit Experiences: SJC Chautauqua Events, SJC Events, FPL Activities, UNM Events, Prime Time
Poetry Performance or Chautauqua

Never lend books, for no one ever returns them; the only books I have in my library are books that other folks have lent me.              Anatole France

Personification means "representing a thing or abstraction as a person.  When we say "Fortune smiles on us" or "If the weather permits", we are giving human qualities to an idea-fortune-and to the weather" (Galda, Cullinan).  The dictionary defines personification as:  a figure of speech in which inanimate objects or abstractions are endowed with human qualities (  In poems, poets often give human feelings or thoughts to animals or plants.  Here's a sample of a poem;                    Stars, bring me up with you
                             Bring me to the place
                             you sleep.
                             How do you do it?
                             Bring me to your home.
                             Bring me your thoughts
                             to me.
                             Share them with me.   By Alex
Biography tells the story of a person's life and achievemnts; an autobiography recreates the story of the author's own life.  Both biography and autobiography are embedded in the time an culture that shaped and were shaped by the subject of the biography.

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